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+# MovieBarcodeGenerator
+Does pretty much what it says. Generates color barcodes of video files. Inspired by [MOVIEBARCODE Tumblr](http://moviebarcode.tumblr.com/).
+## Configuration
+Change the `folderFFMpeg` key in the MovieBarcodeGenerator.exe.config file to your ffmpeg binary installation's `bin` folder.
+## Usage
+Basic Usage (defaults to 1000px wide and 100px high):
+MovieBarcodeGenerator --input "Elfen Lied Ep 01.mp4" --output elfen-lied-ep-01--1000x100.png
+MovieBarcodeGenerator --input "Predator (1987).avi" --output predator--1000x100.png
+* Start and end time (easier to cut out credits)
+* Bar width