@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+-- title: einhander
+-- author: pixelbath
+-- desc: one-handed
+-- script: lua
+ x=20, y=50,
+ inv=0,
+ show=1,
+ fire=0,
+ gun_down=0,
+ gun_anim=0,
+ gun_held=0,
+ 292, -- vulcan
+ 294, -- cannon
+ 296, -- spreader
+ 298, -- wasp
+ 300, -- grenade
+ 302, -- hedgehog
+ {324, "V", "ULCAN"},
+ {325, "C", "ANNON"},
+ {326, "S", "PREADER"},
+ {327, "W", "ASP"},
+ {328, "G", "RENADE"},
+ {329, "H", "EDGEHOG"},
+ 264, 266, 280
+-- particles are just white pixels by default
+for i=1,15 do
+ table.insert(shellParticles, {x=0,y=0,vx=0,vy=0,age=0,dieAt=0,color=12,idx=0,isPixel=true})
+particlePointer=1 -- points at the next particle to be spawned
+p_bullets = {}
+p_big_bullets = {}
+multiplier = 12
+multiplier_sub = 0
+multiplier_tick = 0
+score = 25000
+function drawParallelogram(x, y, w, h, skewpx, color)
+ tri(x+skewpx, y, x+w, y+h, x, y+h, color)
+ tri(x+skewpx, y, x+w, y+h, x+w+skewpx, y, color)
+function spawnPixelParticle(x, y, vx, vy, age, dieAt, color)
+ local p = shellParticles[particlePointer]
+ p.x = x
+ p.y = y
+ p.vx = vx
+ p.vy = vy
+ p.age = age
+ p.dieAt = dieAt
+ p.color = color
+ p.isPixel = true
+ particlePointer = particlePointer + 1
+ if particlePointer > 15 then particlePointer = 1 end
+function spawnSpriteParticle(x, y, vx, vy, age, dieAt, index)
+ local p = shellParticles[particlePointer]
+ p.x = x
+ p.y = y
+ p.vx = vx
+ p.vy = vy
+ p.age = age
+ p.dieAt = dieAt
+ p.idx = index
+ p.isPixel = false
+ particlePointer = particlePointer + 1
+ if particlePointer > 15 then particlePointer = 1 end
+function drawPlayer()
+ if (player.show) then
+ -- arm
+ if player.gun_down then
+ spr(260, player.x+12, player.y+11, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1)
+ else
+ spr(260, player.x+12, player.y-2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 1)
+ end
+ -- ship
+ spr(256, player.x, player.y, 0, 1, 0, 0, 4, 2)
+ end
+ -- draw regular bullets
+ for key,val in ipairs(p_bullets) do
+ spr(262, val.x, val.y, 0)
+ end
+ -- custom routines depending on gun held
+ if player.gun_held > 0 then
+ local gunsprite = gunsprites[player.gun_held]
+ local gunpos = player.y - 2
+ if player.gun_down then
+ gunsprite = gunsprite + 16
+ gunpos = gunpos + 14
+ end
+ spr(gunsprite, player.x+12, gunpos, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1)
+ -- vulcan
+ if player.gun_held == 1 then
+ local flipfire = 0
+ local muzzleIdx = math.random(0,3)
+ if math.random(1, 2) == 2 then
+ flipfire = 2
+ end
+ if player.fire == 0 then
+ player.fire = 2
+ else
+ player.fire = player.fire - 1
+ end
+ -- begin dakka
+ if muzzleIdx > 0 then
+ if player.gun_down then
+ spr(vulcanMuzzleSprites[muzzleIdx], player.x + 27, player.y + 14, 0, 1, flipfire, 0, 2, 1)
+ else
+ spr(vulcanMuzzleSprites[muzzleIdx], player.x + 28, player.y - 2, 0, 1, flipfire, 0, 2, 1)
+ end
+ end
+ if t % 10 == 0 then
+ local randFactor = math.random(10,100)
+ local spawnOffsetY = 1
+ local lineStart = math.random(player.x+20, 260)
+ if player.gun_down then
+ spawnOffsetY = 18
+ -- vulcan tilts downward so we get to do trig! yay!
+ lineStart = lineStart - player.x
+ local angle = 8
+ local radius2 = lineStart+38
+ local c = math.cos(angle * math.pi / 180)
+ local s = math.sin(angle * math.pi / 180)
+ line(c * lineStart + player.x + 18, s * lineStart + player.y + 17, c * radius2 + player.x + 18, s * radius2 + player.y + 17, 14)
+ else
+ line(lineStart, player.y+1, lineStart+40, player.y+1, 14)
+ end
+ -- shells
+ spawnPixelParticle(player.x+14, player.y+spawnOffsetY, -0.2, -0.6 + (randFactor / 100), 0, 50, 15)
+ end
+ -- update shells with light gravity
+ for i=1,#shellParticles do
+ local p = shellParticles[i]
+ p.vy = p.vy + 0.1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for i=1,#shellParticles do
+ local p = shellParticles[i]
+ if p.age < p.dieAt then
+ if p.isPixel then
+ pix(p.x, p.y, p.color)
+ else
+ spr(p.idx, p.x, p.y)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function drawUI()
+ -- weapon bg
+ -- spr(322, 4, 114, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2)
+ -- rect(12, 114, 8, 16, 6)
+ -- spr(323, 20, 114, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2)
+ drawParallelogram(6, 115, weaponBgSize, 12, 6, 6)
+ -- selected weapon
+ if player.gun_held > 0 then
+ local lettersprite = gunnames[player.gun_held][1]
+ local guntext = gunnames[player.gun_held][3]
+ spr(lettersprite, 14, 118, 0, 1)
+ print(guntext, 24, 122, 12, true, 1, true)
+ print(weaponAmmo, 12, 129, 12, true, 1, true)
+ end
+ -- multiplier
+ -- TODO: need to do multipliers over 10, so the X needs to move left when that happens
+ spr(340, 164, 114, 0)
+ --spr(340 + multiplier, 172, 113, 0)
+ spr(330, 180, 114, 0, 1, 0, 0, 4, 1)
+ spr(331, 212, 114, 0, 1, 0, 0, 3, 1)
+ spr(334, 236, 114, 0, 1)
+ if multiplier_sub > 0 then
+ for i = 1, multiplier_sub do
+ spr(335, 177 + (i * 6), 114, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ -- score
+ local scorestring = tostring(score)
+ for i = 1, #scorestring do
+ local char = scorestring:sub(i, i)
+ local numsprite = 340 + tonumber(char)
+ -- this is a hack because I ordered the numbers weirdly
+ if char == "0" then numsprite = 350 end
+ spr(numsprite, (230 - (8 * #scorestring)) + (i * 8), 123, 0)
+ end
+-- 1xxxxxxxxxxx
+-- 0xxxxxxxxxxx
+-- 0xxxxxxxxxxx
+-- 1xxxxxxxxxxx
+function drawWater(waterHeight)
+ for i=0,waterHeight-1 do
+ local row = (135 - i - waterHeight) * 120
+ local rowDest = (135 + i - waterHeight + 1) * 120
+ memcpy(rowDest, row, 120)
+ end
+function drawDebug()
+ -- print("p.gdown: " .. tostring(player.gun_down), 5, 5, 12, true, 1, true)
+ -- print("spr: " .. tostring(vulcanMuzzleSprites[player.fire + 1]), 5, 13, 12, true, 1, true)
+function update()
+ if btn(0) then
+ if player.y > 0 then
+ player.y=player.y-2
+ end
+ end
+ if btn(1) then
+ if player.y < 120 then
+ player.y=player.y+2
+ end
+ end
+ if btn(2) then
+ if player.x > 1 then
+ player.x=player.x-2
+ end
+ end
+ if btn(3) then
+ if player.x < 216 then
+ player.x=player.x+2
+ end
+ end
+ if btnp(4) then
+ player.gun_held = 1
+ player.gun_down = not player.gun_down
+ end
+ if btn(5) then
+ --if player.gun_held == 0 then
+ if player.fire == 0 then
+ player.fire = 5
+ table.insert(p_bullets, {x=player.x+10, y=player.y+2})
+ else
+ player.fire = player.fire - 1
+ end
+ --end
+ end
+ for key,val in ipairs(p_bullets) do
+ p_bullets[key].x = p_bullets[key].x + 8
+ if val.x > 240 then
+ table.remove(p_bullets, key)
+ end
+ end
+ for i=1,#shellParticles do
+ local p = shellParticles[i]
+ p.x = p.x + p.vx
+ p.y = p.y + p.vy
+ p.age = p.age + 1
+ end
+ t=t+1
+function TIC()
+ update()
+ cls(0)
+ drawPlayer()
+ -- drawWater(10)
+ drawUI()
+ drawDebug()