from PIL import Image image_path = 'ice-base.png' pixel_data = None compressdict = {} with as image: pixel_data = image.load() char_count = 1 rawdata = '' bitpack_string = '' # bitpack spec - 4-bit values encoded to hex width, height = image.size for y in range(height): for x in range(0, width-4, 4): px = int(pixel_data[(x, y)]) bitpack_string += hex(pixel_data[(x, y)] << 12 | pixel_data[(x+1, y)] << 8 | pixel_data[(x+2, y)] << 4 | pixel_data[(x+3, y)]).replace('0x','') + " " rawdata += str(px) print(bitpack_string) # print("\nvs\n") # print(rawdata)