# Bustin' makes me feel good ## Elements - City map - create a path, no backsies - Go to HQ to replenish: - Fallen crew - Traps - Go to flashing block to capture ghost - go to Driving - Ghosts (roamers) occasionally assemble to form Marshmelo Guy - can be stopped for $$$?, failure deducts $$$? - Can be interrupted by quickly laying bait before formation - "Drive" over ghosts (roamers) on map to freeze, then driving path sucks em up - Each roamer that makes it to Zuul increases PK by 100 - Driving - Suck up ghosts (roamers) if ghost sucking equipment is equipped - Capture - success gives $$$, failure adds 300 PK - When time to bust: - Lay trap position - Position left guy - Position right guy - Fire streams - Move in - Fire trap - Failing causes PK meter to go up and incapacitate a crew member - Game over - If player has less money than starting money when PK reaches 9999, immediate game over - Gatekeeper and keymaster join forces at Zuul, you have enough money, but you don't have two busters - You do get two busters into Zuul - New Game+ - If successful in finishing game, get a passcode/name / savegame to redo with ending money ## Tech Tree ### Cars Each car is ranked in three categories. - Speed: The top speed and acceleration. - Capacity: How many items it can hold. - Drift: How far it slips when another car hits it. - Economy - $2000 - Holds up to six tools. Very light. Slips a long way when hit. - Hearse (canonical) - $4800 - Holds up to nine tools. Medium weight. Slips some when hit. - Common - $6000 - Holds up to eleven tools. Heavy. Slips some when hit. - Sportscar - $12000 - Holds up to eight tools. Very heavy. Hardly slips at all when hit. ### Tools - PK Energy Detector - $400 - Turns a city block blue when ghost activity going up (only works within 1 block radius) - ghost will be there if player goes when detected - Marshmelo Sensor - $800 - Turns a city block white when melo attack detected (only works within 1 block radius) - Image Intensifier - $800 - Makes ghosts easier to see when bustin - Super PKE Detector - $1200 - Works same as regular PKE Detector, but for entire city at once - Super Marshmelo Sensor - $2000 - Works same as regular Marshmelo Sensor, but for entire city at once - Ghost Vacuum - $800 - Suck up ghosts while driving - provides cash (?) - Ghost Bait - $400 - Attract ghosts and prevent melomang - Ghost Trap - $500 - One _required_ - High Capacity Trap - $2500 - Can hold three ghosts - Laser Confinement System - $8000 - Never empty traps again - Super Ion Beam - $3000 - Beam energy lasts longer - Ghost Paralysis System - $3500 - Makes ghosts slower and easier to catch - Turbo Charger - $4500 - Makes car faster (maybe replace with a boost system) - Super Ghost Vacuum - $3200 - Sucks at a longer range